Extreme heat in Kolkata, Chronic Disease Patients in Peril

Extreme heat in Kolkata – As the scorching sun beats down relentlessly on the city of Kolkata, residents are grappling with unprecedented levels of heat. However, amid the general discomfort, there’s a segment of the population facing even greater challenges: patients with chronic diseases. The intense heat wave gripping the city is proving to be particularly harsh on individuals already battling health issues, prompting doctors to issue urgent advisories for caution and preventive measures.

Extreme heat in Kolkata, Chronic Disease Patients in Peril

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Impact on Vulnerable Patients

For patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, respiratory ailments, and heart conditions, extreme heat can exacerbate their symptoms and lead to potentially life-threatening complications. The combination of high temperatures, humidity, and pollution levels can place immense stress on the body, making it harder for these individuals to regulate their internal temperature and maintain overall well-being.

Rising Health Risks

Medical experts warn that the Extreme heat in Kolkata poses significant health risks for vulnerable patients. Heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion, heatstroke, dehydration, and exacerbation of existing conditions are becoming increasingly common. Patients with respiratory issues may experience worsened symptoms due to poor air quality exacerbated by the heat, while those with cardiovascular problems face heightened risks of heart attacks and other cardiovascular events.

Challenges in Accessing Healthcare

Compounding the situation is the challenge many patients face in accessing healthcare services during extreme weather conditions. The overwhelming demand on medical facilities, coupled with transportation difficulties and limited mobility for some individuals, can hinder timely medical intervention. As a result, patients may struggle to receive the necessary care and support to manage their conditions effectively.

Advisories from Healthcare Professionals

Extreme heat in Kolkata In response to these concerns, healthcare professionals are urging patients with chronic diseases to take proactive measures to safeguard their health during the heatwave. Recommendations include staying indoors during the hottest hours of the day, keeping hydrated by drinking plenty of water, avoiding strenuous outdoor activities, and seeking medical attention promptly if symptoms worsen.

Community Support and Outreach

Recognizing the importance of community support, local authorities, non-profit organisations, and healthcare providers are stepping up efforts to reach out to vulnerable populations. Initiatives such as distributing coolers, providing access to cooling centres, conducting health education campaigns, and offering telemedicine services aim to mitigate the impact of the heatwave on patients with chronic diseases and ensure they receive the care they need.

Extreme heat in Kolkata, Chronic Disease Patients in Peril

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Importance of Public Awareness

Public awareness plays a crucial role in protecting the health and well-being of vulnerable individuals during extreme weather events. By educating the community about the risks associated with heatwaves and promoting preventive measures, stakeholders can empower people to make informed decisions and take proactive steps to stay safe.

Long-term Strategies for Climate Resilience

As Extreme heat in Kolkata events become more frequent and severe due to climate change. There is a pressing need for long-term strategies to enhance climate resilience and protect vulnerable populations. Investments in infrastructure, healthcare systems, and community resilience programs. Can help mitigate the impact of heatwaves and other climate-related hazards. Ensuring that everyone has the support and resources needed to withstand environmental challenges.


The Extreme heat in Kolkata serves as a stark reminder of the profound impact of extreme weather on public health. Particularly for patients with chronic diseases. By prioritising public awareness, access to healthcare, and community suppor. Stakeholders, can work together to minimise the adverse effects of heatwaves and build resilience in the face of climate change. It is essential to prioritise the well-being of vulnerable populations. Take concerted action to create a healthier and more sustainable future for all.

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