What to Know After Two Ballistic Missiles Are Launched by North Korea

The test was conducted two days before North Korea was scheduled to commemorate the armistice that ended the Korean War in 1953 on its 70th anniversary.

North Korea has retaliated by firing a barrage of missile tests, including intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), strategic cruise missiles, and short-range missiles, as Washington and Seoul try to strengthen their partnership.

In recent months, Seoul and Washington have increased their combined military drills, some of which have involved nuclear-capable American strategic bombers and sizable live-fire simulations close to the inter-Korean border. What is known about North Korea’s ongoing missile launches is included below.

First ICBM test by North Korea in three months

Two short-range ballistic missiles were launched on July 24. On July 22, many cruise missiles were launched. On July 19, two short-range ballistic missiles were launched. On July 12th, an ICBM was fired.

In preparation for Monday’s celebration of the 70th anniversary of the armistice that ended the 1950–1953 Korean War, North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles.

According to the South Korean military, the missiles were fired from a location close to Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, just before midnight on Monday and fell in waters off the country’s east coast.

A nuclear-powered American submarine of the Los Angeles class stopped by a naval port in Jeju, an island off the coast of South Korea, earlier on Monday to refuel with supplies for the military. North Korea issued a nuclear war warning following the first visit by an American nuclear ballistic missile submarine to South Korea in forty years.

A Chinese delegation led by Li Hongzhong, a member of the Political Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party, will go to Pyongyang to take part in festivities on the 70th anniversary of the Korean War armistice, according to North Korea on Monday. Since closing its borders in 2020 out of concern about the epidemic, China is the first significant foreign delegation that North Korea has welcomed.

A ceasefire was reached on Thursday, 1947, which effectively ended the Korean War. The anniversary is a day of victory in North Korea’s conflict. Indications that North Korea was getting ready for a military parade to commemorate the anniversary have been seen by observers from outside the country.

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