World Water Day is every March 22. It’s a time to remember how important freshwater is, especially now that the Bengaluru water disaster is still going on. The tech hub is having a very hard time getting water because the monsoons didn’t come through and underground sources are drying up.

The Past
The first official plan for World Water Day was made at the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro as part of Agenda 21. The United Nations General Assembly made March 22 World Water Day in a motion passed in December 1992.
What it means
Today is a day set aside by the United Nations (UN) to promote the long-term management of freshwater supplies. There is a big UN study on water and sanitation that comes out every year on this day.
What the theme
‘Water for wealth and peace’ is the theme for this year. So, the 2024 edition of the World Water Development study (WWDR), which is the UN’s most important study, will look at this topic. It was released today. Every year the theme changes, but the main focus stays on issues related to WASH (clean water, sanitation, and hygiene), which is in line with Sustainable Development Goal 6’s goals.
What the UN’s World Water Day 2024 message taught us
Water can bring peace or start a fight. When water is dirty or hard to get to, or when people are fighting over it, tensions rise in society. Working together is the only way to meet everyone’s water needs.
Water is important for both peace and prosperity. Because of mass movement and political unrest, working together on water issues is a key part of how countries deal with climate change.
We can get out of trouble with water. Fair and long-term use of water can bring people and countries together and help them get along. We can end the water problem peacefully by working toward this goal at the international level through UN conventions and at the local level through actions.
Genève, March 20, 2024 – Transboundary waters are those that two or more countries share. Today, Pedro Arrojo-Agudo, the UN’s special rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation, said that these waters should be handled as living ecosystems, not just as economic resources. The expert made the following comment before World Water Day:

“In the spirit of World Water Day 2024, which the UN is organizing with the theme “leveraging water for peace,” I urge that transboundary water management be based on human rights.” This kind of thinking can help stop fights and make peace last.
Rivers have always brought people together, no matter what religion, society, or language they spoke.
If you only see water as a resource for making money, it can cause problems like hydraulic systems, overexploitation, pollution, extractive activities, land theft, and taking over native lands. These can turn into armed battles, especially in basins that cross international borders. This risk gets worse because of climate change.
The International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights says that we should treat rivers as living environments and that everyone should share the responsibility of managing them in a way that benefits everyone and keeps the standard of living high.
UN Water Convention gives rules
In transboundary basins and aquifers, natural events like floods and droughts don’t care about borders. Because of this, we need to move from national control over water to shared management of these areas. Governments are in charge of making sure that people who live in places with transboundary basins and aquifers can access safe drinking water and good sanitation. Women’s involvement is important because they are committed and can lead in getting water to their families. States have to follow UN Security Council Resolution 1325, which talks about women’s full and equal involvement in resolving conflicts.
The UN Water Convention gives rules for making deals that span borders. Its adoption encourages long-term management of aquifers and rivers, lowers the dangers of droughts and floods, and puts the basic needs of people who depend on them first. A lot of African countries have agreed with it. I want other areas to do the same.
water crisis, learn about It
Making sure everyone has access to clean water and toilets can help keep the peace and stop conflicts, especially after a war, by encouraging dialogue and practical answers.
Tomorrow is World Water Day 2024. Everything about how important water is to our lives
Water is an important part of our lives. We can’t live without water in our daily lives; we use it for everything from drinking to cooking to cleaning. Most of the water we use in our daily lives comes from underground sources. Natural materials are very important to our ability to live a stable and healthy life.
The importance of freshwater is great for people’s health. Freshwater makes sure we stay healthy, fit, and fine.

History of World Water Day 2024
The United Nations General Assembly decided in 1993 that there should be a day to make people more aware of how important it is to protect fresh water. World Water Day has been held every March 22 since around 1993.
World Water Day: Why It’s Important
The day encourages people to talk about the world water crisis and makes people more aware of how important it is to save water. On their website, the UN said, “World Water Day celebrates water and motivates people to take action to solve the global water crisis.” One of the main goals of World Water Day is to help reach Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: clean water and toilets for all by 2030. World Water Day is a yearly UN event that takes place on March 22 and focuses on how important freshwater is.

Bimal Mardi is a Professional Content Writer. He works in First Santal Broadcast Network TV/ News channel in India. Bimal Mardi writes about Technology, Education and Tech Product Reviews