The Pope gets past his health problems to lead a windy Easter Sunday Mass. Let’s have A little Easter fun 2024

ROME — Even though he was sick, Pope Francis led about 30,000 people in one of the most important services of the year at Easter Sunday Mass in St. Peter’s Square, which was decorated with flowers.
The 87-year-old Francis looked in good shape at the start of the liturgy in the windy piazza, just hours after serving the two and a half-hour Easter Vigil at night. Francis had surgery to remove part of one lung when he was young. He has had breathing problems all winter, which the Vatican and he both said were caused by asthma, the flu, or a cold.
Easter fun 2024: For something different, why not make Turkish bread?
I’m glad Lent is over this year, and it’s not just because of Easter singing and Cadbury dark chocolate eggs.
Lent was hard. There were parts of it that had nothing to do with Lent. The news has mostly been terrible, which I guess is a warning of why we need to be saved. The world needs a rescuer because it is broken, mean, and hurt. I want to be saved.
By the way, none of them were that hard. But each one required a certain amount of hard work in the sacrifice, which was hard to do this year.
I won’t go into all the bloody details, but I will say that when I said “Son of a…” I remembered that I had promised myself that I wouldn’t say it again because it was that kind of Lent.
St. John Chrysostom wrote one of my favorite Easter fun thoughts. Both the Eastern and Western churches honor him as a saint, and for good reason. But this quote from his Easter sermon, which told people it was time to party, shows how much he loves us like Christ loved us.
“Receive your reward, first and last
“Receive your reward, first and last; rich and poor, rejoice together!” Enjoy the day while you’re sober and lazy! You who have kept the fast and you who haven’t should both be happy today because the table is full! The calf is very fat, so eat a lot of it. No one should leave hungry. Everyone, drink from the cup of hope. Have fun with all of His goodness! No one should be sad about being poor because the kingdom of heaven has been shown. Don’t be sad that you’ve fallen over and over again; forgiveness has risen from the dead.
“Forgiveness has risen from the dead,” so “you who kept the fast and you who didn’t” should both come and enjoy. Every one of us: We who didn’t fast very well this Lent. Those of us who stuck to our promises with clenched teeth and low voices. Those of us who gave up something with a smile and a praying heart.
Express your thanks for the blessing
St. Chrysostom tells us that everyone is welcome at the feast, whether they are good or lazy, sober or lazy, rich or poor.
In another part of the same sermon, he talks about that famous story that makes Americans so mad. That really makes our Puritan cupcake look good.
Some people say that Easter is the same prize for everyone. Lent is a good practice that helps us remember how much the Lord suffered and gave up for us. But he already made that sacrifice for us. so now that it’s Easter fun , we can celebrate that he really is risen from the dead and won over death.
And if I may make an Easter vow, let’s not forget about it right away. During Lent, we were in the desert for 40 days. Just like people did in the time of St. Chrysostom, let us be happy for 40 days.
Get the chocolate eggs ready! Enjoy special foods to celebrate! Express your thanks for the blessing that this, the holiest day in the church year, really is.
There’ll be more Lents. You can only do one thing at Easter. In this sad old world, let’s remember each other that there is a happy ending.
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Christians all over the world who are enjoying Easter Sunday get our best wishes from Jill and me. Easter makes us think of how powerful hope is and what the Resurrection of Christ means.

We remember what Jesus did when we get together with people we care about. We pray for each other and enjoy the blessing of a new day full of potential. And because wars and other conflicts kill innocent people all over the world, we promise to keep working for peace, safety, and respect for everyone.
The Vatican said that about 30,000 people went to the Mass, and the Via della Conciliazione, the street that leads to the piazza, was packed with even more people. Just a few feet from the pope, a gust of wind knocked over a big religious icon on the altar at the start of the service. Ushers quickly put it back in place.
One of the most important events in the liturgical year is Easter Mass, which marks what Christians believe to be Jesus’ return from the dead after being crucified.
Happy Easter from our family to yours, and may God bless you.
Francis has mostly avoided giving long talks for the past few weeks so that he doesn’t have to work too hard to breathe. He didn’t give his Palm Sunday sermon last week, and he changed his mind at the last minute and didn’t go to the Colosseum For Good Friday.
. He was also able to baptize and give First Communion to eight new Catholics.
Francis should be able to take some time to rest after a busy Holy Week, since he doesn’t have any big trips planned for a few months.

Bimal Mardi is a Professional Content Writer. He works in First Santal Broadcast Network TV/ News channel in India. Bimal Mardi writes about Technology, Education and Tech Product Reviews