Opposition National Democratic Alliance (NDA) presidential candidate Draupadi Murmu pays a visit to her native Odisha

Draupadi Murmu will visit the Odisha Assembly and meet with the BJD MLAs and MPs in order to discuss the presidential election. Her next stop is the State Guest House, where she’ll meet with BJP legislators.

As soon as she stepped off her plane in Bhubaneswar, NDA presidential candidate Draupadi Murmu was greeted by her supporters at the airport.
Sixty-four-year-old Draupadi Murmu, who hails from the Mayurbhanj district in Odisha’s tribal heartland, was welcomed ceremoniously at the Biju Patnaik International Airport by BJP lawmaker Kusum Tete and party MP Aparajita Sarangi, who played the cymbals.

Her arrival was greeted by several high-ranking politicians from both the BJP and the BJD, as well as others from across the ideological spectrum.

“When Draupadi Murmu finally makes it from Rairangpur to Raisina Hills, it will be a historic first. Narendra Modi Ji’s choice of an Odia as the country’s prime minister is a great honour “When Aparajita Sarangi landed in Odisha, she added, “the airport was filled with tears.”

To welcome Draupadi Murmu, several BJD officials including the state’s Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik were also in attendance.

Traditional tribal dances like Ghoda (horse) and Bagha (tiger) were performed to live music by tribal women on the streets leading up to the airport

There were several groups of singers performing kirtan on the streets to greet the “daughter of Odisha.”

As part of preparations for the arrival of the NDA presidential contender, the city has increased its level of security.












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